“The Geometric Cube in Architectural Proportions of

Early Medieval Armenian Churches”

The book titled “The Geometric Cube in Architectural Proportions of Early Medieval Armenian Churches” is a scientific study for (6 - 7cc) cross shaped center domed small churches, where an attempt is made to decipher the principles of designing medieval churches. The book is composed of preface, three chapters, bilingual summary and appendix. The first chapter is about the theory of designing churches. The second chapter presents an analytical study of key sections for center domed churches based on mathematical calculations and modular measurements. The third chapter analyzes the characteristics of modular design and measurements, where the author presents his version of cubit measuring unit and its varieties, as well as pre-Christian roots of designing monumental buildings.

This survey might become a benchmark for studying all types of medieval churches with new scientific approach of proportions.

The book consists of 785 pages (A4 format) with over 100 color illustrations and 250 drawings. This book may become a guide for architectural proportions researchers and a useful reference handbook for medieval church designers.

Appendix presented in CD includes comparative analysis of identical proportion for the 46 churches investigated in the book, in DWG AutoCAD format.

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