Math events, 4-5 grades
- product : Math events, 4-5 grades
- Product Code : 2082
- author(s): Rita Khachatryan
- pages count : 100
- cover : soft
- size : 16,5 X 24
- edition : 100
- language : Armenian
- year : 2018
- publish : Edit Print
- condition : new
- Price: (AMD) 1700
The manual is aimed at teachers of 4-5 grades. It includes various mathematical events that are presented with appropriate scenarios and comments. A great importance is attached to the effective use of ICTs, but in the absence of such opportunities, an alternative approach is proposed.
The events are aimed at improving the practical application of mathematics and its various manifestations in daily life that are in line with the interests of the given age group.
While implementing the proposed events, the teachers can make appropriate corrections and alterations according to their approaches, which, in their opinion, are more consistent with their students’ preferences.
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